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For the rest day, Matt and Lisa headed down to Santa Fe to check out the Tent Rocks National Monument. The rest of the house went white water rafting on the Rio Grande in Taos but I’d been wanting to check out Tent Rocks since last year.

The South Boundary trail is Taos’ trail gem. It’s the equivalent of going to Salida and riding the Monarch Crest or Durango for Kennebac Pass.

We rode Horse Thief yesterday near the Gorge and are heading up to ride the legendary South Boundary trail today. I’ll keep this post short but hopefully you can see how the day went with this photo montage.

We’ll get more action shot photos soon but I (seamonkey) haven’t had time to gather everyone’s camera cards.

After a hard night of driving the GORC crew stopped by The Pantry on Old Route 66 (Cerrillos Rd.) for breakfast. We all drove over and inundated Mellow Velo with questions and window shopping

As I write this the GORC storm is a few hours past Springfield having downed some large doses of Mexican fare. Their expected ETA is sometime tomorrow late morning.

Feeling a little tired today we all decided to ride the much more relaxed out-n-back Rio Grande Del Rancho 12 mile (total) trail. This formerly double-track trail climbed and descended the contours southeast of Rancho de Taos.

Hey all you fans of endurance racing out there. Or, just those who happened by here to see if there was anything new. I went and did the Lumberjack 100 last weekend up in Manistee, MI. It was my first 100 mile MTB race since Leadville several years ago.

Another Spring workday session has come and gone. Here’s a brief summary of what happened at each of them

A steady stream of 152 racers arrived at Greensfelder County Park to participate in one of the area’s hardest mountain bike races. This particular race was special to GORC as the promoters of the race series, the United Federation of Dirt (UFD), turned it into a fundraiser for the club.