Down the South Boundary

The South Boundary trail is Taos’ trail gem. It’s the equivalent of going to Salida and riding the Monarch Crest or Durango for Kennebac Pass.

We loaded up the trucks and drove for about an hour up into the mountains where we dropped Jason and Ross off at the Elliot Barker trail to get a longer ride. The South Boundary is right around 20 miles and coupled with Elliot Barker they were looking at about a 34 mile ride.

Once they were dumped off we continued onto a rough dirt road before reaching the trailhead. All the riders unloaded and Suzanne, Mike, Glenn and Karen were all kind enough to take the vehicles to the end of the ride. Had they not our shuttle recovery mission would’ve added an extra tiring hour to the day.

The South Boundary shot up at a steep but rideable percentage. We climbed an additional 800 feet at the start before topping out at 10,700 feet at the trail’s crest. From there it was all generally downhill except for the uphills in the middle

However, once we passed Garcia Park and climbed a bit more we got to experience an 11 mile downhill more or less. Flying through the aspens it was hard to take in the scenery at times. But – you also don’t want your eyes to stray as the mountainside grade sloped away enough to make you pucker.

Eventually South Boundary quit playing nice and dropped 1900 feet in 2.5 miles. This part of the trail traversed the arid lower elevations so large loose rock and outcroppings kept things mighty interesting at speed.

After four hours of downhill bliss, smoked brakes, a bent chain and ‘wondering’ where Ross and Jason might be we rolled into the parking lot and drank in the scenery…. in a can.

You’ll have to ask Jason about the bear in the woods, a guy with a weed eater, getting lost with a gps course and how much he cares for Elliot Barker for the full story.
Of course no matter how far you drive up there is always a singletrack uphill awaiting at the start

Steve and Lisa climbing the 800 foot early ascent

Craig taking a berm

Beginning to open up into a meadow

Stopping for a break at Garcia Park in the middle of South Boundary

Climbing out of Garcia Park and onto the second half of major awesomeness

Jon A getting above the roller

Kirby floating

John T on the descent

There were several rollers early into the last major descent down South Boundary

Tom dropping the natural water bar

As we got closer to Taos the scenery changed from Pines to Aspen to semi-arid pinon and sage

The last half-mile back to the trucks. What a great day.