Join us for the Alpine Shop’s third round of Pint Nights (aka Al-Pint Night)! From 6-9PM, Alpine Shop will sell limited edition pint glasses brought to you by Woolrich (while supplies last) for just $10. Each purchase comes with a beer and a ticket for one refill.
The most interesting stat is reporting that 54% of mountain bikers didn’t volunteer at their local trail systems to add mileage or keep the trails in good shape. I’d like to think that around St. Louis we have a good group of trail volunteers.
We are attaching our schedule as a PDF to this post. Feel free to print them out and distribute. We have a convenient quarter page version that saves trees and is easy on the ink.
GORC is once again in the news and this time we are gracing the digital pages of locally-based Terrain Magazine. The article discusses our trail building philosophy and techniques, letting people in on the ‘secret’ of how our local parks sprout new singletrack multi-use trails.
WEST ALTON, MO – US Army Corps of Engineers Park Rangers from the Rivers Project Office are working on the improvement of a hiking and mountain biking trail at the Calumet Creek Access Area located 4 miles north of Clarksville, MO on Highway 79.
The Fly6 is a brand new cycling accessory that makes you say “I wish I’d thought of that!” Combining a rear tail-light and a recording device into a solid 132g package, the camera/tail-light hybrid watches the world from behind.
GORC would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of those who donated to our Club Insurance Fundraiser. We posted the fundraiser on a Sunday evening asking for $1,600.00 to cover our 2014 liability insurance costs after IMBA failed to secure umbrella liability coverage for clubs.
GORC needs to raise a little over $1,600.00 to meet its 2014 insurance premium to continue building and maintaining trails on public lands. While in the past we have used IMBA’s umbrella policy that insures many of its club chapters and affiliated-organizations, IMBA and its insurer could not agree to terms for the 2014 policy, and so, many mountain bike clubs both large and small face our similar situation.
Boy Scout Troop 754 would like to extend an invitation to GORC members to join with our troop on an IMBA Epic Trail ride, April 25-26-27, 2014. We are going to tackle the Berryman Trail that weekend. It is the only IMBA Epic-designated trail within 500 miles of St. Louis.
Fleet Feet has donated $500.00 to GORC to continue our trailbuilding projects. GORC truly appreciate the continued support of Fleet Feet Runners Club and everyone who supports our trailbuilding and advocacy efforts. We are fortunate to have a great community of trail users in St. Louis that keeps GORC moving forward.