Category: Uncategorized

We will be working on a continuation of the trail built at Creve Coeur Park in the Spring, as shown marked in pink on the lower map. When this is complete, hopefully after the next workday scheduled for November 22nd, there will be approximately 3.5 miles of singletrack. Not bad, a 7 mile out-and-back, right in the center of the STL Metro area with more to come.

The following is GORC’s upcoming workdays for this fall. We would appreciate your help at a workday or two. If you ride a mountain bike, you’ve probably ridden at one of these parks. So, come on out and help make them better. Go to GORC to find out the details. The calendar on the home page lists more specifics and go HERE to find out what to expect at a workday. Keep an eye on GORC’s forum for details as the workdays draw closer.

After driving all the way to Durango and back, I was looking for a ride that didn’t involve much driving. The closest trail to me turns out to be at Creve Coeur Park, and I hadn’t been there since the workday in the Spring. Now that Bangert Island is above water, and clear, I figured, why not ride both of them?

As of Monday, May 26th all trails at Greensfelder County Park are multi-use. It’s more important than ever now to make sure you’re up to speed on IMBA’s Rules of the Trail, and practice good trail etiquette when encountering equestrians out there.

Tom Erb designed Spartacus several years ago to help with much of the rockwork at Klondike, but since we’ve been using it quite a bit as of late, I thought I’d mention it again. This is a very clever device, made out of chains arranged in concentric circles, that lets you move heavy objects, usually rocks, when you don’t have the luxury of bringing in heavy equipment.

Mike Dunston and rest of the St. Charles County GORC Crew have been busy as usual. May 20th is the scheduled grand opening of a new 2.5 mile trail located near the intersection of I-70 and 5th Street. Here’s a preliminary map to give you an idea of the location. We’ll keep you updated as we get more details.

Due to a very light turnout for the workday 2 weeks ago we were unable to open as much of the trail as hoped. Brian and Glenn, along with Drew Black, Aaron Coburn, and Eric Walter then went on their own time during the week and grubbed and raked the corridor connecting the 2 largest sections which had been cut.

Come and help build the first section of brand new singletrack at Creve Coeur County Park. There is currently 2-3 miles of trail flagged, approved, and ready to build, with more to come. The trail is rollercoaster-like dirt singletrack with a few climbs thrown in for good measure.

Over the years GORC has done a number of things to help spread the word and educate people as to the consequences of their actions on the trails:

Due to the precipitation that Mother Nature has dropped on us recently, and the fact that I-44 may not be passable tomorrow, St. Louis County Parks has cancelled the workday.