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This past weekend, a GORC crew, with help from John Roth, added some new signs provided by the Forest Service to the western side of the Berryman Trail between Berryman campground and Brazil Creek campground. With any luck, we’ll be able to finish putting them up on the rest of the loop in the next couple of weeks.

This is the last Burnin’-themed title. I promise. Ok, we know the Pimp and 3-Bowl like to do everything together, right down to riding (formerly) matching Buzz Bombs. But breaking them in nearly the same place is getting a little carried away.

For those of you who are getting ready for the Burnin’ at the Bluff; Google Earth has added a major update of the imagery for Missouri. These latest ones taken in 2005 showing some rather stunning views of Council Bluff Lake.

Ever been riding at Council Bluff and seen the trail that heads off from the first bridge? You know, the one you rode a couple of hundred yards, came to the swamp caused by the beaver dam, and then had to turn around, or do a balancing act to walk across the dam, all the while trying to avoid the briars?

Steve Smith, who recently took over as the trail steward for Rockwoods Range, is going to be having regular rides at Greensfelder.

Since I didn’t make it out to Greensfelder today for the First Sunday ride, I decided to remember the nice, cold days of February, when it was too cold and wet to ride. Wait a minute, which is better, having it too cold and wet, or too hot and dry?…. Well, you decide for yourself. Also included is a shot of the “virtual kiosk” there which must have melted with the snow.

Eight participants showed up for the first St. Charles County Parks “Inroduction to Mountain Biking” ride. Four GORC elves showed up to help steer the participants around the park. SCC Parks employee Kent “trail shredder” James had a nice introductory level course laid out and everyone survived the the trek. All present seemed to have a pretty good time and I personally hear many saying “I’ll be back to do this again next month”.

This is the spot on the trail at Big Bear where Rockboy broke his chain. The picture was taken looking against the flow of the trail. The line over the roots was the original trail, but proved to be a lot trickier than most riders were willing to chance, especially with the damp conditions.

It made me sad to see this construction out on the Grotpeter Trail at Castlewood. I thought about how many lunches the materials used for it might buy for workdays spent repairing and maintaining the deteriorating trails there.

The DeClue reroute at Greensfelder is finished, so 7 of us decided to ride it on Sunday. We started at the Roundhouse parking lot and began by riding Dogwood counterclockwise. Dogwood is in great shape, even after taking a pounding during the Spring freeze-thaw cycle. The climb out of the valley back up to the Roundhouse has a few rough spots where it crosses drainages, but is entirely rideable. Next, the awesomely fun section of DeClue down to Allenton Rd.