Tuesday night several club members went to REI to showcase the goods and the goodness of GORC. Held at the REI in Brentwood, the night celebrated being outdoors and the country’s treasures – our National Parks. REI sponsored the night and promoted Ken Burns’ new National Parks documentary.

We sold a few hoodies and answered questions about the local trails. If just one new person comes out to a workday or joins the club then you could call the night a success. We also made contact with a few other organizations that are on the lookout for volunteer opportunities for their respective members.

Organizations also in attendance tonight included the Wild Bird Sanctuary, St. Charles County ParksSt. Louis County Parks, Missouri Conservation Department, the Ozark Trail Association and several other groups.

We will also be selling our hoodies and shirts at the Berryman Epic this weekend. Be sure to stop by and say hi.

See you on the trail!