Social roles are geared to people who love to have fun and enjoy sharing their love of mountain biking with other people.

Bike Shop Liaison: Do you have a favorite bike shop or three?  Are you looking for another reason to drop by? Give GORC a public relations hand by occasionally dropping off GORC event flyers to your favorite shops.

General Photographer: If you have a good eye and like capturing the passion of trail work or the fun of a GORC social outing, you can be a huge help by taking pictures at events, along the trails or a ride, and sending us the best shots for use online.


Physical trail building roles are geared for people who enjoy working in the woods turning a line of flags into fresh new trail.

Trail Building Volunteers: Trail building events are a fun way to experience leaving your mark on a section of trail that you’ll take pride in every time you ride. With experienced Crew Leaders at your side, no experience is necessary.

Tool Sharpeners: Do you have an axe to grind? We have a whole bunch that need sharpening. Nothing makes a trail work day go faster than sharp tools. You can work out of your garage on your own schedule. A win-win for you and the trails!


Trail Steward: This role is an important link between the public, GORC, and the land manager.

Trail Peer Reviewers: This is a great way to dig in and learn good contour trail design. After an initial flagging, trail peer reviewers take a second look and see if the proposed trail route could use improvement.

Grant Writers: We need people to keep on top of grant sources by scanning the internet for grant opportunities.


GPS Track List of all Trails: Available on the GORC website, these tracks would be ridden in the most popular fashion and/or used to create ‘epic’ rides that riders can follow and re-create.

Mechanized Tools: This includes pro-grade leaf blowers, chainsaws and power tools.

Landscaping Products: We sometimes need gravel, stones and other landscaping materials for our trail building projects.