Fleet Feet has donated $500.00 to GORC to continue our trailbuilding projects. GORC truly appreciate the continued support of Fleet Feet Runners Club and everyone who supports our trailbuilding and advocacy efforts. We are fortunate to have a great community of trail users in St. Louis that keeps GORC moving forward.
From Fleet Feet-
The hard working and fun loving members of the Fleet Feet Runners Club is donating $500.00 to GORC. This is up $250.00 from last years donation to GORC. This donation is both a thank you for all the work GORC has already done and funds to support your future efforts.
GORC’s planning,commitment and work have opened up the park systems, to runners, hikers and cyclist of all abilities. It gives them the opportunity see the beautiful areas and traverse the challenging trail system, that would not be possible without the trail system your organization builds and maintains
On behalf of the Fleet Feet Runners Club, keep up the great work that has and will continue to have a positive impact on so many people lives.
–Larry Klutenkamper