Canceled - Build - Missouri Bluffs - Trail Building Day 03-11-23
09:00 AM
through 01:00 PM
Missouri Bluffs - Main Parking Lot
Weldon Spring, MO 63367
Weldon Spring, MO 63367
Canceled due to awaiting design approvals.
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2023 - 9am - 1pm
Location: Missouri Bluffs, Main Parking Lot.
Build Plans: This brand new St. Charles County park will feature multi-use trail that also connects directly to the KATY trail. Are you thinking quadfecta? Us, too.
Directions: Meet at Missouri Bluffs park
What to bring: Gloves, Sturdy shoes, eye protection, and something to drink on the trail.
Lunch will be provided.
Download the Schedule as a PDF