Haven’t heard of Broemmelsiek Park? Probably for good reason, since it’s St. Charles County’s newest park, and it’s not open yet. Mike Dunston has been working hard along with SCCP to get ready for the park opening in the not-too-distant future.

If you want to see for yourself what it’s like, then come on out to the workday this Saturday January 27th. More details and directions can be found here. As usual, lunch will be provided afterward. Here’s his description of the park:

2 miles currently have been completed. Approx. 10-12 more miles in the future. Trail surface includes rocky creek crossings, hard packed dirt trails, restored prairie crossings, and several rock gardens. The trails in the park will be made of multiple loops as it is developed. Broemmelsiek will also be open to equestrians and hikers, so please follow trail etiquette while riding there.

The first trail loop built in this 500+ acre park is accessed via the concrete bridge that is just off the first parking lot. It’s a mix of wooded single track and open meadow, with several short but steep climbs. Rocky in the beginning, it switches to a dirt base as you start up the ridge. A combination of meadows, flowing trail, and small ravines are experienced while on top of the ridge, then a quick descent with a very rocky creek crossing, leads back to follow the creek and on to the opposing ridgeline. This ridgeline trail loops around giving an excellent view of the park’s amenities as it brings you back to the bridge where your adventure began.

Back Section (under construction)

While following several tree lines to the Back section of the park, the trail crosses a large meadow then follows the power line alley to another ridge line. A winding hillside dirt trail mixed with rocks leads to a creek crossing, then a rocky ascent to the next meadow crossing which was terraced for water control. The trail follows the high banked terrace through several small thickets then dives into a wooded area which features an area filled with memorable items from past times on the Broemmelsiek Farm. The trail meanders along another ridge line which leads to a picturesque view of a local equestrian farm and pond; this section features a wide swooping turn which leads back to the power line alley which divides this section of trail.